Sunday, May 16, 2010

Expansion of Universe - Simulations

Closed (Spherical) Universe

Flat Universe

Open (Saddle shaped) Universe

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Simulations play a important role in Computational Physics. They make us easy to understand some physics problems since it is not easy to do some things experimentally. I'm going to put some links to some simple simulations I have done soon.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Computational AstroPhysics

Computational astrophysics is the use of numerical methods to solve research problems in astrophysics on a computer.
This is one of my favourites.

Some of the most important applications of computation in astrophysics are given below.

  • Stellar structure and evolution
Calculating multidimensional stellar models of rapidly rotating stars, modeling the effects of hydrodynamical processes such as convection from first principles, and understanding how stars generate magnetic fields through dynamo processes.

  • Radiation transfer and stellar atmospheres
Computational methods are required to calculate the propagation of light through the outer layers of a star, including its interaction with matter through absorption, emission, and scattering of photons. The calculation of cross sections for the interaction of light with matter for astrophysically relevant ions is itself a challenging computational problem.

  • Astrophysical fluid dynamics
The dynamics of most of the visible matter in the universe can be treated as a compressible fluid. Time-dependent and multidimensional solutions to the fluid equations, including the effects of gravitational, magnetic, and radiation fields, require numerical methods. A vast range of problems are addressed in this way, from convection and dynamo action in stellar and planetary interiors, to the formation of galaxies and the large scale structure of the universe

  • Planetary, stellar, and galactic dynamics
The most challenging problems today include accurate integration of the orbits of the planets over the age of the solar system, studying the dynamics of globular clusters including the effect of stellar evolution and the formation of binaries, studying galaxy mergers and interaction, and computing structure formation in the universe through the gravitational clustering of collisionless dark matter.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Free Ebooks in Computational Physics

Click on links to download the following free ebooks. I will update whenever I find new ebooks:)

Computational Physics: Steven E. Koonin

Computational and Group-Theoretical Methods in Nuclear Physics

Some Lecture Notes by Angus MacKinnon - Imperial College London 2002

Computational Bio Physics

Computational physics is used it most of the researches done in Bio Physics. Check the following links if you are interested. I'm not much of a fan of bio physics since I know nothing about biology stuff :)
Computational neuroscience, Computational genomics & Proteomics, Biomedical Signal Processing & Imaging etc are some of the main sections of Computational Bio Physics.

Computational Condesed Matter Physics

In the links below you can see some researches done in condensed matter physics

involves computation of electronic, mechanical and other properties of condensed matter systems including superconductors, nanotubes and defects in semiconductors etc.

What is Computational Physics?

Computational Physics (CP) is the study and implementation of numerical algorithms to solve problems in physics for which a quantitative theory already exists. This is the definition given by Wikipedia. In my words its the use of computers to solve physics problems.
For explaining most physics theories and also for simulations, it is much easier to use computers. So Computational Physics makes the life of physicists much easier.

We normally use programing languages such as C,C++,Python etc or software such as Matlab,Mathematica,Scilab etc in Computational Physics.

Today, CP plays a major role in all parts of physics, specially after the development of very fast supercomputers. So in this blog I'll be giving out some of the applications of it.